The program offers grants to property owners and tenants in the downtown development authority (DDA) district to renovate and rehabilitate building facades. This program is designed to leverage private improvements that contribute to the overall aesthetics and viability of the district.The program also offers limited funding for new signage on an annual basis.
For building façade improvements (non-signage), the program offers a reimbursable dollar-for-dollar matching grant for the cost of eligible improvements. The grant amount shall not exceed $10,000. This grant will be offered on an ongoing basis as funding permits. The award amount is based on available funds, applicants and other variables. The DDA may also provide up to $1,000 (no dollar for dollar match required) for professional architectural and design assistance for façade construction. This must be from a professional firm not associated with the contractor performing the work.
The program is for properties located within the DDA district Applicants can be property owners or tenants. A tenant application must have the property owner’s signature on the application.